Credit risk is an inherent feature in the business of financial institutions and non-financial companies. At the same time, it keeps evolving constantly, due to technological developments, regulatory changes, financial engineering and socio-economic trends. A composite subject, encompassing a variety of different profiles and shades, hence by definition a multi-disciplinary issue. This means that different perspectives, technical backgrounds and professional skills must meet and work together to deal with credit risk effectively.
The Credit Risk Club aims at creating an arena where different professional communities may get together and discuss credit risk-related issues: risk managers, credit analysts, loan officers, academics and researchers, representatives of regulatory agencies and supervisory authorities.
Registration is free of charge (subject to a confirmation from the Club). Registered users are entitled to enroll (subject to confirmation) to 2-3 high profile workshops that will be promoted each year through this website, as well as to download all related materials and any other publication made available by the Club.