Le banche sono chiamate a uno sforzo senza precedenti per soddisfare le aspettative di vigilanza in merito al rischio climatico e ad altri profili ESG. La thematic review della BCE del 2022 ha evidenziato diverse debolezze che devono essere rapidamente superate e l'SSM ha chiesto alle singole banche di affrontare un elenco di carenze e di avvalersi di alcune "buone pratiche" già riscontrabili nel settore. L'EBA ha emanato nuovi standard relativi alle informazioni ESG da fornire nell'informativa di terzo pilastro.
10:30 am | Introductory remarks - Andrea Resti, Bocconi University and advisor to the European Parliament on banking supervision
10:50 am | The ESG profile of Italian bank borrowers: what do we know? - Marco Macellari, Head of Risk Management Consulting, CRIF
11:10 am | What does Intesa Sanpaolo know about the ESG/climate risk profile of its borrowers? Davide Alfonsi, Chief Risk Officer, Intesa Sanpaolo and Guido Genero, Head of Risk Clearing, Intesa Sanpaolo
11:30 am | What does Unicredit know about the ESG/climate risk profile of its borrowers? - Corrado Pavanati, Chief Risk Officer Italy, UniCredit
11:50 am | What does Credit Agricole know about the ESG/climate risk profile of its Italian borrowers? Fabrizio Reggi, Chief Risk Officer - Italy, Credit Agricole Italia
12:10 pm | How should signicant institutions measure the ESG/climate profile of their customers? Patrick Amis, Head of Directorate General Specialised Institutions and LSIs, European Central Bank
12:35 pm | ESG risks and banking regulation - Jacob Gyntelberg, Director, Economic and Risk Analysis Department, European Banking Authority
02:50 pm | Concluding address - Giorgio Costantino, Executive Director, Global Transformation Services, CRIF